Answers to Common Questions About Installing a New Fence

A: If you are uncertain of your property lines, My Fence Guys advises that you have the property surveyed prior to the installation of your new fence. A property plat gives you approximate dimensions of your property lines, and it will often state that it is not intended for the establishment of property lines. If you elect not to have the property surveyed and are comfortable as to where your property lines are, it is your responsibility to show the contractors at My Fence Guys precisely where to place the fence.

A: In general, fences can be placed up to but not over or on the property line. My Fence Guys recommends placing your fence a couple inches away from your property line to make sure your new fence is contained entirely within your property, and so that there are no issues with the fence in the event you decide to sell your home. For side and front yards (and back yards for through-lots) this distance depends on your city requirements.

A: Miss Utility needs to be called any time digging is required on your property. If My Fence Guys installs your fence, we are required by law to call Miss Utility. For your convenience however, the number for Miss Utility is provided here (811). In Virginia, Miss Utility only marks public utilities, gas, electric, phone and cable TB. If you have private lines or a well, septic tank or sprinkler system, these are not located by Miss Utility and it is up to the customer to advise My Fence Guys as to the approximate location of such underground systems. Unfortunately, My Fence Guys cannot be responsible for damage done to private underground obstructions.

A: Every contractor in the State of Virginia is required to have a Virginia State contractors license in order to install any fencing products. They should also carry general liability insurance so both you and your contractor are protected from any liability. My Fence Guys will gladly provide you with a copy of our home improvement (HIC) and building (BLD) licenses, as well as our certificate of general liability insurance upon your request.

A: When building wood fences, the installers at My Fence Guys usually set the posts 30-36 inches below grade. This can vary based on the conditions of the site, or any underground utilities that might be in the way. For vinyl, steel, or aluminum fences, the manufacturers themselves have their own specifications as to how deep the posts need to be set. Most of them require at least 24 to 30 inches below grade

A: There are a number of variables to consider when deciding to use concrete for fence posts. If the ground is extremely wet, we recommend dry packing the posts in concrete as the moisture from the ground will be absorbed by the dry cement and eventually harden. All gate posts should be in concrete for the simple reason that the gate is a moving part of the fence and is subject to more stress than other fence sections. Most aluminum, steel and vinyl fences are required to be set in concrete. We recommend placing all posts in concrete, and consider this a standard practice at My Fence Guys.

Pressure treated southern yellow pine is what every one refers to as just plain pressure treated lumber. It is pressure treated to help eliminate termite infestation, rot and decay and comes with a lifetime manufacture’s warranty against rot and termite infestation. The new pressure treated lumber is better for our environment and humans.

A: Western red cedar is not a sap wood and therefore a much more dimensionally stable solution than southern yellow pine. It tends to be a little pricier, but it does not warp, crack or twist as easily as pine fence products, and it responds to stains or sealers much more efficiently. If a stain or sealant solution is not chosen for a cedar fence, it will weather to a light silver similar to the color of the bark on trees.

A: Yes. We suggest aluminum or vinyl. They are a bit more expensive than building with wood, but both will add a finishing touch to your property and they are virtually maintenance-free. If you like the wrought iron look without the maintenance that it requires, we suggest using aluminum. Aluminum Fence is offered in many styles and colors and add an elegant look to any property. Plus, with the painting technology in use today, these products are virtually maintenance-free. Vinyl fencing has become one of the most widely used materials for today’s fencing needs.